CATIA macro app (color palette)

In this video I want to show you one macro from my CATIA macro app, that is very useful, although it is a short one. This is macro for changing the color of the face or any other element. One or more elements can be selected. For this color palette, I use the same macro every time. If can be very useful when u work on a project with more people and you want to have defined the same colors for all of the users.
Dim oSelection oSelection = MyCATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection oSelection.VisProperties.SetRealColor(R, G, B, 0)
You must define active selection and change R, G, B.
If you work in Visual Studio u can make a method from this code, and just call that method for every button.
In my app defined colors are colors from auto-industry, u can find color R, G, B on this link.
Macro App features
We integrated a lot of useful things in this app like:
1. lot of powerful macros for faster and organized work,
2. status bar for easier work,
3. Users(fierebas),
4.Simple chat for communication on the project,
5. usage by the users (u can fallow usage of the macros by the users).
Contact me if you want to buy any of macros, or you have ideas for your own.

Eu preciso de uma macro para fazer furos em um corpo
Que tipo de macro você precisa? Você sempre pode gravar macro e obter mais informações.
Bom dia.
Primeiro eu quero agradecer ao seu retorno.
Eu me vejo na seguinte condição:
Eu crie um body.
Depois disto assim que eu comece a rodar a MACRO a mesma me da uma mensagem dizendo para eu selecionar o Sketh.
Qdo eu seleciono o Sketh a macro gera o furo que eu preciso.
Mas uma vez agradeço a vossa atenção.
Fico no aguardo e fique com DEUS.
Olá, você descobriu como fazer isso ou precisa da minha ajuda?
Nice Job
About this macro, its possible to make it work like this:
– Stell – complete colour 1
– aluminium – complete colour 2
– stainless stell – complete colour 3
– copper – complete colour 4
– thread holes – colour 5
– throught hole – colour 6
– dowels hole – colour 7